Mushrooms: Bulletproof Your Immune System

Many of us underappreciate our immune systems. In some ways, these hard-working systems act like   nightclub bouncers, staying alert for undesirable elements and keeping them out of our bodies. While the immune system normally does a good job all by itself, it functions best when we treat it to some TLC.

You probably know that you should sleep well, keep your stress level under control, and enjoy a diet brimming with healthy fruits and vegetables. But there’s another way to show your immune system some love and keep it even healthier.

Why Add Medicinal Mushrooms to Your Regimen: The Benefits

You might feel perfectly healthy, and that’s fantastic. Your immune system continually generates new cells tasked with keeping the body protected. There are a few good reasons to consider adding medicinal mushrooms to your natural health plan, though – especially as you age.

The older we get, the fewer immune cells our bodies produce on their own. This leads to a higher rate of illness. It might mean that you start to get more colds, and it means that you’re more susceptible to the flu and other viral illnesses that make their way through your community. It also means that the risk of cancer increases.

Dietary deficiency can play a role in the age-related reduction in immune response. Dubbed “micronutrient malnutrition,” this deficiency happens due to a lack in essential trace nutrients including minerals and vitamins. In part, this happens because older people tend to eat less, and they tend to eat a less-varied diet than younger people do. While standard supplements can help, medicinal mushrooms can be highly beneficial as you age.

Whatever your birthdate though, adding medicinal mushrooms to your regimen will stimulate the production of natural T-lymphocytes and killer cells that make it easier for your immune system to ward off viruses, bacterial infections, fungal overgrowth, and even cancer.

Top Medicinal Mushrooms

All edible mushrooms offer some benefits – even the little button and Baby Bella mushrooms from the supermarket are great for you thanks to the trace minerals they contain. But some mushrooms stand head and shoulders above the rest, and as you might expect, different mushrooms come with different benefits.

Chaga Mushrooms

You won’t find chaga mushrooms at your local supermarket. These large mushrooms grow high in the branches of birch trees growing in forests throughout the northeastern portions of the U.S. and Canada, and they’re easiest to get in supplement form.

Chaga mushrooms contain a number of beneficial components including melano-glucan complexes and betulinic acid. They are excellent for promoting good digestion, and holistic practitioners recommend them for their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, pain relieving, and anti-cancer properties.

Chaga mushrooms are also excellent as part of a detoxification routine, and when enjoyed regularly, they provide greater energy along with a mental health boost.

If you decide that you’d like to give chaga a try, be sure to source your supplements very carefully. I prefer wild-harvested chaga mushroom chunks from Zen Mushrooms, but there are plenty of other sources out there. In general, you’ll want to avoid anything that’s already been liquified since you’re getting mostly water (or alcohol if you choose a tincture) instead of mostly mushroom. The chaga chunks I buy let me make my own remedies including teas and tinctures – I feel like I get a lot more for my money this way and I like company’s sense of ethics.

Reishi Mushrooms

Stress, anxiety, depression, and sleeplessness all take a toll on the immune system. If any of these problems sound familiar, then you might want to give reishi mushrooms a try. While these medicinals join other mushrooms in boosting immune cells and fighting cancer, they’re also high in triterpene, which is a mood-booster that promotes healthy sleep-wake cycles, enhances focus, and more.

Reishi mushrooms were hunted to near extinction in Asia thanks to the belief that they promoted immortality. While these mushrooms will not make you live forever, they are potent healers with strong detoxification benefits.

Like most natural remedies, reishi mushrooms extend their benefits over time. Supplementing is the best way to ensure a steady supply, and as with all medicinal mushrooms, you’ll want to choose organic varieties with good reviews. It’s worth noting that bitterness is a desirable trait in reishi supplements as it is a sign of potency.

Lion’s Mane

Lion’s mane mushrooms are delicious if you can get your hands on fresh ones. These are tough to get unless you happen to live in an area where they grow, and you’ve got to supplement if you want to enjoy their benefits over time.

Lion’s mane shines as a brain booster, thanks to its ability to promote the production of myelin and nerve growth factor, two crucial components in brain health. Deficiencies are linked to multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer’s disease, while supplements are linked with better concentration, better memory, and enhanced cognition.

Turkey Tail

Not only is turkey tail a potent source of antioxidants to boost your immune system, it’s also an excellent source of polysaccharide-K (PSK), which is such an effective anti-cancer agent that it has made its way onto Japan’s list of approved anticancer prescription drugs.

This mushroom has been shown to work alongside conventional cancer therapies including chemotherapy, improving the immune system and increasing the survival rate. It’s worth noting that those considering supplementation with turkey tail for anticancer purposes should talk with their doctors and should not stop taking prescribed treatments.

Maitake Mushrooms

You might be familiar with maitake mushrooms, as they are an excellent culinary variety with a delicious meaty taste. Also known as hen of the woods, this mushroom is a great one for boosting immunity and lowering blood sugar.

Shiitake Mushrooms

Shiitake mushrooms are a favorite with chefs thanks to their rich, savory flavor. They’re absolutely fantastic in soups and stews, and they are worth supplementing with, as well. Shiitake mushrooms are great immune boosters, and they are brimming with antioxidants. In addition, this mushroom has strong antitumor and antiviral action.

The Easy Way to Get Started with Medicinal Mushrooms

If you’re interested in adding medicinal mushrooms to your daily regimen, you’ll be glad to know that there are supplements that combine several species into one simple powder that’s easy to mix into beverages. I love using Sacred 7 Mushroom Extract Powder, which contains chaga, reishi, maitake, cordyceps, lion’s mane, turkey tale, and shiitake.

Don’t get me wrong – you can easily take individual supplements if you’re interested in specific benefits; it’s something I do, especially when there’s a bug going around. You can also get involved with hunting for medicinal mushrooms if you happen to live in an area where they grow. I enjoy doing this myself, hunting for choice edible mushrooms as well as medicinal varieties.

If you want to try mushroom hunting, I strongly recommend seeking someone with local experience to show you which varieties grow in your area, and I can’t stress enough the importance of using a good mushroom field guide that shows you inedible and poisonous varieties as well as edible and medicinal ones.

Our ancestors had to spend hours hunting for their medicinal mushrooms. We’re fortunate these days to have access to an unlimited supply, and to be able to simply stir a spoonful of mushroom powder into a favorite recipe in order to reap the rewards. Keep your intake low – a tablespoon or two per day is plenty for most supplements. Be sure to eat fresh mushrooms too – even the simplest ones are loaded with vitamins and minerals that help keep your immune system functioning at its best.


1 comment

  1. …I’m 100% shocked! So many different medicinal mushrooms to still check out!

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